Thursday, July 19, 2007

Baby later

Well we headed to our Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist's office this morning and, while the amniotic fluid has dropped by the numbers, Charlotte looks good, so we will not be having a baby today. We will check again tomorrow with our regular OB, and then again on Monday with the MFM specialist. We had all of our bags packed and Ryan was packed to go to his cousin's house, but then we headed home. Since mom is on bed rest, David is taking time off and working from home so that he can be on Ryan duty.

A little background: In January, we found out that Charlotte was sharing space with a 2 X 4 cm blood clot. She faced some tough odds, but managed to thrive and the clot dissolved. Amy was diagnosed with thrombophilia, a genetic blood clotting condition in which your blood clots easily. Who knew that Ryan and Charlotte are such miracles, since this condition usually makes pregnancy difficult.

She's been monitored throughout this pregnancy, and now, at 37 weeks, it appears that the placenta is becoming less efficient, probably because of more clots. Charlotte is big enough to be born, but still on the small side and the amniotic fluid has been dropping. That has led doctors to begin thinking about inducing labor.

Since the beginning of this pregnancy, we've been hoping for a natural water birth, someting that is more difficult if we have to induce labor. So the closer we can get to our due date and going into labor naturally, the better. Keep checking back, and thanks again for all of the well wishes and thoughts.

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